United States Steel Corporation Scholarship is sponsored by the Society of Women Engineers to help women majoring in engineering and computer science. The scholarship is funded by the United States Steel Corporation.
The scholarship is for female college students as well as adult students who are U.S.citizens. Eligible students must be enrolled in a degree program in computer science or engineering and must be full-time college juniors. A grade point average of 3.0 is required in order to apply. Students must be members of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
The SWE was established in New Jersey in 1950 and is dedicated to supporting women who choose engineering as their profession. They are especially focused on encouraging young women to pursue careers in engineering and helping women engineers grow professionally in their careers.
The United States Steel Corporation is a major steel producer in the U.S., Canada and Central Europe. The company's foundation supports educational scholarships as well as awarding grants for scientific, and public safety, health and human service programs.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in FEBRUARY of each year, and the award amount is usually $5,000.
For more details, visit www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/scholarships/united-states-steel-corporation-scholarship.php